Copyright, Brook Lawn Farm Market, All Rights Reserved. |
2325 Lititz Pike, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601. (717) 569-4748 info@brooklawnfarmmarket.com |
STRAWBERRIES Our strawberry patch opens to the public in late May or early June and usually remains open for several weeks, depending on the weather. The Pick Your Own (PYO) schedule is determined by weather and availability. Call us for Field Hours & Updates or visit our official Brook Lawn FaceBook page. *Picking Hours will be posted on FaceBook or call 717-569-4748 for daily field updates. * Picking hours are different than our Market hours of operation. We are closed on Sundays! *Cash Only - We are unable to accept Checks or Credit Cards in the field. *Pickers of all ages are welcome, there is a special section of the patch reserved for young children. *For Food Safety: Wash your hands at the hand-washing station before picking. Read posted signs. If you are sick, please come back another day. You will not be permitted to enter the patch. NO pets allowed in the patch. NO smoking on the premises or in the patch. Directions to the Strawberry patch: Turn off the Lititz Pike into the main parking lot of the market. Follow signs for PYO parking & to the check-in station in the patch. Our field attendant will show you where to pick! PUMPKINS We offer tractor & wagon rides to the pumpkin patch to Pick Your Own Pumpkins as scheduled in September and October. The Pumpkin Ride Schedule will be posted on Facebook or call us at 717-569-4748. *Rides leave from and return to the roadside market. *The only way to get to the patch is on the wagon ride. *Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before scheduled ride departure. *Food & merchandise are not permitted on the wagon ride. *NO pets on the ride or in the patch *We provide a smoke-free environment & we appreciate your cooperation. *For Food Safety: If you are sick, please come back another day. You will not be permitted on the ride or in the patch. |